
Showing posts from September, 2017

Michigan Medigap Plans

Michigan insurance allows private insurance companies to offer something called Medigap. This can help pay some of the health care costs that original Medicare doesn’t cover. These gaps in coverage are things such as coinsurance, deductibles, and copayments. Medigap policies are here to help cover gaps in original Medicare. These Medigap plans in Michigan are standardized. This means you will get the same coverage for the same plan, No matter which company you choose. However, pricing is the main concern; each private insurance company will charge a different premium. We work with a lot of different companies to get you the best Medigap price possible. Currently in 2017 there are ten Medigap plans in Michigan . These plans are labeled by letters. One thing is, don’t confuse these Medigap plans with the original Medigap plans, as they are both labeled by letters. Plan A will cover basic benefits while plan F has the most comprehensive coverage. The other plans offer varying amount...

Medigap in Tennessee

Tennessee has several options for Medicare coverage, but they are different depending on the region of the state which you live in. In Tennessee, most insurance companies can only sell standardized Medigap policies. Most states do this because they like to have an easily regulated system. While each of the plans have its own merits and has stipulations that allow only some people to qualify, these stipulations and plans are consistent for all seniors throughout the United States. These policies are identified by letters. It is important to note that the pricing on each of these policies differs depending on your age and location. Medigap plan F offers a high-deductible option. The benefits in any Medigap plan A through N are the same for any insurance company. Medicare advantage options from Health Spring, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Tennessee , and Humana are good in areas of the state in which their network is strong. In particular in the metro areas, but in much of the state and for...

Basic information about Medigap in New York

If you registered in Medicare part A and part B you actually have the alternative to also enroll in a Medigap plan in New York . These add on plans help cover holes or ‘Gap’ costs in original Medicare. These types of cost consist of copayments, coinsurance, deductibles, and other out-of-pocket expenses. In most states, including New York, there are ten Standardized Medigap plan options . These plans are labeled as letters just like original Medicare. What do we mean standardized plans? Regardless of where you buy your plans from, each plan will be the same. Coverage from Plan A from one insurance company to another has the same benefits. The only different is the price tag. Each company charges a different premium. Another important thing to consider is customer service. If you need answers and the companies you are working with cant answer them, it might be time to look for another company. We at eMedigap-plans are 100% dedicated to customer service. We listen to what health cover...

Should I research Medigap before buying a policy in Tennessee?

As your open enrollment period begins in Tennessee you might receive a lot of attention to sign up for Medigap or more commonly known as Medicare Supplemental Insurance . If you are not sure when the open enrollment starts, it automatically starts the month you turn 65 and have both Medicare part A and part B. If you miss this enrollment period, you still might be able to get a plan, but it will cost you more money. Researching Medigap, a key to finding the best plan! We recommend you do your own research before you talk to someone about Medigap. That way you know a little bit about the topic and know what the agent is talking about. This also allows you to pick the right plan for you; of course you can also get the agents opinion. You can find a lot of great information on our blog and you’re more than welcome to contact one of our Tennessee agents at 888-452-7949. Research all the Medigap plans With 10 Tennessee plans to choose from you have some thinking to do. We get a lot o...

How and When To Change Michigan Medigap Plans

A brief overview on Michigan Medigap: Medigap is supplemental insurance for Medicare. If you have Medicare Part A and Part B, You might have heard of Medigap or also known as Medicare Supplemental Insurance. This type of insurance is for individuals that need more coverage then just Part A and Part B of Medicare. It is sold by private insurance companies and all the plans are regulated by the federal government. If you need more information on Medigap please feel free to browse our blog or website. Now that you know more about the topic, let’s move on to why you would need to change plans. Why would I need to switch my Medigap policy ? As your medical needs change over time, you might want to look over your policy. Maybe you need more coverage or maybe you need less coverage? Or maybe you can’t afford your current plan and need to switch. does a great job covering this and breaks it down to 4 parts. You can read about that here. When can I switch? This becomes tric...

Comparing Medigap Plans in Texas

The older we get, the more we realize that our bodies need more than the usual care and attention it has survived on all these years. It becomes obvious to us that if we want to age with grace without being a burden to the younger generation we need timely access to quality medical care. Quality does not come without a price and if you don’t have a health care plan in place it is possible to use up your savings on just health care management. But here comes Medigap, the perfect solution to your healthcare management. Medigap is available all over the states with peculiarities for each region. You can have Texas Medigap quotes and rates if you reside here in Texas or have plans to relocate here very soon. You can also compare TX Medigap plans to make the best of the options available to you and enjoy your later years in good health. Medicare is a health insurance scheme funded with taxpayer’s money to ensure continuous access to health care for the vulnerable. It is a federal health...

5 Important Facts That You Should Know About Medigap in NY

If you reside in New York and still wondering what a Medicare supplement is, well, to clear the dark cloud, Medicare supplement, also known as Medigap Insurance is a private health insurance policy that supplements the original Medicare plan. This means that Medigap covers part of the medical expenses that are not covered by Medicare. However, many people think that a Medicare supplement is a way to win Medicare benefits, but this is wrong. Some details surrounding Medicare supplement insurance are confusing. If you act with the wrong information, it could lead to regrets down the road, so it’s wise to fortify yourself with these 5 important facts before purchasing a supplement plan in New York. Medigap policies are meant to bridge the gaps that Medicare does not cover. Hence to get a supplement, you have to pay an additional fee on top of your Medicare plans. It’s a must to have Medicare part A & B before you can purchase a supplement. In New York and other states, Medicare h...