Learning about Texas Medigap Insurance plans
Medigap insurance in Texas is a private health insurance plan, known as Medicare Supplemental Insurance. These plans supplement original Medicare, and help you pay some of the health care costs that Medicare doesn’t cover. You can only have one supplemental plan in Arizona and that covers only one individual. That means if you are looking for a plan for your spouse you would need to get two plans (One for each of you). Medigap insurance have rules and regulations that are uniform in the benefits provided (Plan F is a Plan F). However, there can be significant variances in price, underwriting standards, discounts between insurance companies and there are key regulations that differ from state to state. Knowing Your Coverage and Enrollment Policy It can be very helpful to know if your state offers supplemental coverage to those under age 65 – many do not. You can visit Texas Department of Insurance for more information. Or you might want to know if you are offered an open enrollmen...